Sometimes I get to write articles about stuff. Mainly Internet related stuff. Sometimes other people write articles about what I have to say. That's nice usually. If you are interested, here are some of them.
I have started to put links up to them,. Quite frankly once they are done we move on, but there most all things that I said and meant that for me, are worth recording here, so you know I said and meant them - FWIW :-) I'll put more up as I remember them. You don't have to read them. But at least you know what I said.
Articles I have written
November 2014 - "R.I.P Email?" An article I wrote for CSO Online about the Death of email
March 2014 - See below. Renai le May wrote a very kind and complimentary article about a radio interview I did on 3AW (see below). I wrote a comment about it and he asked to publish it. It was a chance for me to encourage ppl to speak up in MSM.
Articles ppl Wrote
Februray 2014 - I had an interview on 3AW about the NBN, something I am quite passionate about. Renai Le May, who used to wrote the online magazine "Delimiter", wrote this very nice article. Its important because as he states, its OK to talk enthusiastically and objectively about the good side of big projects like the NBN, and we should be braver about getting the truth out there. Having said that, Tom Elliot, who interviewed me, was clearly not out to trip me up. There was nothing really with which he could or would?
See my written response above.
July 2007 - One of the most amzing IT journoes on the planet, Garry Barker, interviewed me, long before the NBN and a while before Labor got into power and drove the project. My opinioins were expressed out of sheer frustration. Garry saw it differently, but I did not know until read the article.